New Year’s Day Team WOD


New Year’s Day Team WOD

CrossFit Eden – Events


Warm-up (No Measure)

2 sets:

1:00 biking, rowing, or jumping rope

:45 front plank

15 push-ups


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Teams of 4 with one person working at each station:

Station 1:

4:00 AMRAP

20 double unders

19 kettlebell swings, 24/16

Rest 1:00

Station 2:

4:00 AMRAP

20 calorie row

19 alternating DB snatches, 50/35

Rest 1:00

Station 3:

4:00 AMRAP

20 double unders

19 sit-ups

Rest 1:00

Station 4:

4:00 AMRAP

20 calorie row

19 burpees
Teams of 4. One person working at each station at the same time. Rotate during the 1:00 rest period. Score is total reps as a team.