


CrossFit Eden – CrossFit

A: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)

AMRAP 7 minutes

30 DU’s/ 60 singles/jumps

20 situps

15 KB/db/odd object deadlifts (1)

rest 2 min

EMOM 5 min

20 wallballs OR air squats

rest 2 min

AMRAP 5 min

30 DU’s/60 singles/jumps

20 situps

15 KB/db/ odd object deadlifts(1)

rest 2 min

EMOM 3 min

25 wallballs OR air squats

*Score is total rounds for each amrap

B: Hanstand

Handstand practice

Handstand hold

3 x :45 sec to 1 min


Wall walks

3 x 5

*Use this time to practice kicking into a handstand and hold as long as possible to build strength and stability

*If you are proficient in handstand holds, practice HS walks OR

HSPU 3 x 10 strict