Thanksgiving with the Girls!


Thanksgiving with the Girls!

CrossFit Eden – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Chris Hinshaw Style Active Warm up


Metcon (Time)

A bite at each Crossfit Girl’s House!

For Time:

“Angie’s” House

20 Pull ups

20 Push ups

20 Sit ups

20 Air Squats

on to

“Helen’s” House

400 m Run

21 Kb Swings

12 Pull ups

on to

“Fran’s” House

15 Thrusters @ 95/65 lbs

on to

“Nancy’s” House

400 m Run

15 OH Squats @ 95/65 lbs

on to

“Grace/Isabel’s” House

20 Ground to OH @ 95/65 lbs

finally on to

“Kelly’s” House

400 m Run

30 Box Jumps

30 Wall Balls

No time cap!

Extra Work


Bench Press (Build to 3 Rep Heavy for the day)


Metcon (No Measure)

Bulgarian Split Squat

3 x 20/leg @AHAP

Rest 60 seconds between sets

No rest between legs